Astro Numerology Course


Astro Numerology Course consist of all the knowledge of Pythagorean, Chaldean Lo Shu; which are the most important branches of Numerology. Enrol yourself in this course to become a professional numerologist. This course provides you GUARANTEED LEARNING AND GUARATEED EARNING.



Astro Numerology Course is very well designed by the team of Authentic Astro. This has been possible on only because of the consistent effort of every member of this family to make this course efficient and effective.

Given below is the syllabus of the course:

  • Pythagorean Numerology
  1. Introduction to Numerology
  2. Pythagorean Numerology
  3. Single digit & Double digit Numbers
  4. Calculation & Significance of Core Numbers
  5. Karmic Debt NUmbers & Master Numbers
  6. Challenge Number
  7. Pinnacle Number
  8. Personal Year, Month and Day Number


  • Chaldean Numerology
  1. Single Digit Number
  2. Compound Number
  3. How to prepare Numerology Chart
  4. Number Combination & its significance
  5. Sun Sign (Zodiac Sign & its significance)
  6. Name Analysis
  7. Health Analysis with Ayurveda
  8. Love & Relationship Analysis
  9. Marriage Timings
  10. Child Born Timing
  11. Good Year for Career, Finance and other aspects of life
  12. Chart analysis and Prediction using Chaldean


  • Lo Shu Numerology
  1. BL Compatibility
  2. 6 Master Yogs that impact our personal life
  3. How missing Number impacts our life
  4. What number repetition indicates
  • Other Key Topics
  1. Mobile Number Analysis
  2. Marriage Compatibility
  3. Relationship Analysis
  4. Love & Marriage


  • Prashna Kundli
  1. Importance od Date in Prashna
  2. Importance of Time
  3. How to use Date & Time for answering Questions
  4. Exmaples



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