Marriage Matching

“Kundli Matching and Guna Milan – The Meaning and Its Significance in a Marriage”

Marriage is by far the most important and a completely life-transforming event for any individual. Preparing for marriage involves a strenuous and thoughtful procedure to ensure the right match in order to achieve a lifetime of bliss and happiness. Here, strictly speaking of Hindu marriages, astrologers use the tradition of Vedic horoscope to match the birth charts of two individuals getting into the marital affair. What’s most important here is using the Guna Milan or Kundali Match and marriage match making by date of birth.

What is Guna Milan?

Guna Milan is the matchmaking procedure astrologers incorporate to check the compatibility between the boy and the girl deciding to marry each other. It is the first step in checking the marriage compatibility. Seasoned astrologers incorporate the aspects of Venus and Jupiter of the girl and the boy along with Ashtakoot Guna Milan and Vedic Horoscope Matching. Evaluating the influence of Planet Venus is critical because it can affect the marriage in a good or bad way. Venus residing in the wrong place is a sign of infertility. Jupiter will also determine the strength and weakness and the future of the marriage. Generally, the Gunas that score 25 to 32 signify a very compatibility. Score 30 to 36 signifies exceptional level of compatibility and is very rare. Going by Ashtakoot Guna Milan, it’s a common belief that the higher the scores better is the married life. However, this is not the case always and compatibility in marriage depends on other astrological factors too.

The Procedure

The procedure commonly followed is the Kundli Matching and Ashtakoot Guna Milan, where there are eight factors, each with specific points that add up to 36 Gunas. The procedure is also called love marriage prediction. Among the 36 Gunas, 18 Gunas must match to approve the marriage. Mental compatibility, manglik dosh, longevity, sexual compatibility, overall health and common attitude & approach are taken into account.

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